Unpublished Articles

(1) Hebrew Kings Revised Chronology (Revised August 2008.)

(2) Critique of David Rohl’s Chronology

(3) Chronology of the Book of Jubilees

(4) Critique of Tim Warner  (Discusses use of Genesis 5 & 11 for chronological purposes)

(5) Summary of Parker & Dubberstein’s book (Dates of kings of Babylon, Persia, and Greece)

(6) Chronology of Tobit


(1) Biblical Teaching on Divorce and Remarriage – L. McFall (587pp. e-book)

(2) Summary of David Instone-Bewer’s View on Divorce

(3) Major Critique of David Instone-Brewer on Divorce

(4) Critique of David Instone-Brewer The Jesus Scandals

(5) Critique of H. Van Dyke Parunak

(6) Critique of David Pawson

(7) Critique of A. Garrett’s article on Divorce

(8) The Four Truths on Divorce

(9) Critique of Stephen Gola on Divorce

(10) Critique of the Betrothal solution

(11) Clement of Alexandria on Divorce

(12) Critique of Josiahs Scott on divorce


(1) Textual Index to the Gospel of John: Reference (A comparison between the Nestle-Aland 28th edition and the Majority Text)

(2) Textual Index to the Gospel of John: Alphabetical (A comparison between the Nestle-Aland 28th edition and the Majority Text)

(3) Textual Index to the Gospel of John: Word Format (A comparison between the Nestle-Aland 28th edition and the Majority Text)

(4) Textual Index to the Gospel of John Chapters 1-7 (A comparison between the Nestle-Aland 28th edition and the Majority Text)


(1) Critique of Ernst Lucas on Theistic Evolution

(2) Theistic Evolution – A Tale of Two Journeys

(3) Critique of Denis Alexander’s book, Creation or Evolution  – 100+ page critique

(4) Critique of Denis Alexander’s book, Creation or Evolution  – 7-page brief summary.

(5) Critique of John Walton’s book on Theistic Evolution

(6) Critique of Richard Dawkins of Evolution


(1) Pre-20th Century Commentaries A brief list of the best of the old commentators

(2) Critique of the English Standard Version (2001)

(3) Proverbs For The Wise

9 responses to “Unpublished Articles”

  1. Dan Peters says :

    I read Thiele 15 years ago and was so delighted with the work up until Hezekiah’s day; I spent all thanksgiving reading the work. Yet nobody seemed to notice that he went contrary to his own principles, at least no one I talked to in my circles. So many of the charts I see are based upon his work. Back in 2007 I did a study on Isaiah and came across your work on the kings. I was more delighted than ever knowing that someone had “caught” the error of Thiele. I can’t not tell you how much I have appreciated your investment of time in this chronology. It was truly refreshing. I hope you will continue to have this website available for years to come.
    Dan Peters
    Rockford, IL

  2. Jon Krys says :

    Excellent work on Divorce and Remarriage while representing the Minority View. Please keep this website posted!
    Jon Krys
    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

  3. Anthony Garrett says :

    I knew Leslie McFall personally and am sorry to learn, more than two years after the event, that he has died. His work on reconciling the Matthean and Lukean genealogies of Christ, on Old Testament timing, and on the family tree of New Testament manuscripts, were inspirational. I claim no competence to judge their correctness but he always made good sense to me. We also shared a love of cricket!

    I would, however, ask anybody reading his critique of my exegesis of Deuteronomy 24:1-4 above to read my paper for themselves. I did not find it easy to recognise from Leslie’s summary of it, and his suggestions as to my motivation are not accurate. My concern remains for a young man in ancient israel, a committed believer in YHWH of good standing, who enters into an arranged marriage but discovers within days that his wife, a virgin before their wedding night, is a sexual pervert. There is no way that anybody could have known this information ahead of the first days of the marriage. I believe the young man is entitled to revert, and I argue the case. YHWH is fair and so is Christ.

    A man who takes back a new washing machine with the complaint, “It broke when I first used it” cannot be countered with the salesman’s reply, “We are not taking it back, because it is no longer new now that you have used it.” The same principle applies in the case to which I refer.

    Leslie and I agreed on so much – no remarriage after divorce during the life of the ‘ex’ – but I do not believe that the marriage is sealed quite as quickly as he did. Leslie pointed out my lack of expertise in Hebrew, but I ran the essay past a personal friend who is a native Hebrew speaker before submitting it to Jewish Bible Quarterly (which is published from Jerusalem), whom I acknowledged, and I believe JBQ’s referees are more competent than either of us.

  4. R. W. Dooley says :

    Can the webmaster, or anyone else, provide (us all) information on Dr. McFall’s OTHER apparently unfinished work? That work being, as described by himself to me in an email dated 02 August 2011:

    Thanks for your appreciation of my work. Unfortunately I have been unable to find out who has the printing rights (if they exist) to republishing my Enigma. I have prepared an extra chapter for it which details my own solution, which I have been working on for many years. I hope to put online a literal English translation of the whole of Genesis which reflects my new theory on the HVS.
    Sorry you cannot get a copy of my Enigma. You are not the first to write to me about another issue. At the present moment I am updating my 91-page book on Divorce and Remarriage on my webpage as this is proving to be very popular, and it has been attacked from every angle, so I need to strengthen the arguments for Jesus’ absolutist position.

    Thanks so much!

    • lmf12 says :

      Thank you for your comment. I have all my father’s work in storage and would like to get his work on the Harmony of the Gospels and the extra chapter for his Enigma of the Hebrew Verbal System published as he dedicated so much time to them throughout his life. However as his work is in an unfinished state, it would require some revision and editing prior to publication and that is not something I have been able to arrange as yet.

      • R. W. Dooley says :

        Dear Moderator,

        If you are one & the same as “lmf12”, then this response is to you personally; if not, then can you please convey to “lmf12” my email address in private, so that I can further discuss with them matters regarding their reply to me? Thank you!

      • R. W. Dooley says :

        Dear “lmf12”,

        Since I haven’t seen any email from you, I’ll just post my thoughts here:

        I have already asked one scholar if they’d be interested in printing ONE of McFall’s books, but they said no. So much for asking about two or more!

        From experience, getting people interested in (re)printing things is worse than pulling teeth; over the past 15 years I can count maybe a handful (!) of success.

        Your dad had indicated he didn’t know who owned the copyright to “Enigma”. Almond, an imprint of Sheffield, is now being handled by Bloomsbury, if you want to reach out to them.

        Another avenue that comes to mind is Eisenbrauns, who moved a few years ago from Indiana to Pennsylvania (USA). They are now an imprint of Pennsylvania State University (PSU). They have a special series that “Enigma” would be appropriate within, if they’re interested, called LSAWS (Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic). Its general editors are Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé & Jacobus A. Naudé based out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

        Perhaps they, or one of their Series’ contributors (namely John A. Cook who wrote on the Hebrew Verb) might express an interest in editing your father’s work for publication?

        Or, there’s Wipf & Stock in Oregon (USA), to whom Daniel I. Block turned in order to get Jacob Milgrom’s “Ezekiel” volume published. Moshe Greenberg, who was commissioned to do Ezekiel for the Anchor Bible, specifically wanted Milgrom (an Anchor maestro himself) to be the one to finish it for him. But when Death in turn came a knockin’ for him, his express wish was for Daniel I. Block to finish it. And editorially-finish it he DID. But then, Yale had to go full retard and decline to publish it! (and, as if that wasn’t bad enough, they’ve recently added insult to injury by having still another different scholar (re)do the missing volume for the series!).

        Otherwise, and probably your best bet (especially for an *Evangelical* publication), is to just go with print-on-demand. There’s several of course, but none more well-known than Amazon’s CreateSpace (e.g. Mitchell’s “Message of the Psalter”) or better still Lulu.com (e.g. Broadribb’s “Structure of Biblical Hebrew Poetry”). This approach would also afford you the opportunity to append a note upfront saying ‘as is’, getting the information out there apart from a polished finish.

        Also may not get the press that Academia-published books would, but at least it’d all be within your control (and seriously, there are FAR worse stories than Anchor’s “Ezekiel”, especially for *Evangelical* submissions).

        Finally, and as a nobody, I’d nevertheless offer up any editorial assistance I can, if you’d like. Freely.


  5. R. W. Dooley says :

    Dear Moderator,

    Any update re: “would like to get his work on the Harmony of the Gospels and the extra chapter for his Enigma of the Hebrew Verbal System published as he dedicated so much time to them throughout his life”???

  6. R. W. Dooley says :

    Is it possible to scan Mr. McFall’s Index Cards and upload them to this website? That is:


    “I have an almost complete list (about 500 index cards [not on disc!]) of
    pre-20th century Old Testament Commentaries on the whole of the Old Testament”


    “(I have a card index list of about 120 works dealing exclusively with apparent
    contradictions in the Old and New Testaments. The best five works are listed below)”

    “I have made
    out an Index for it” (Baruh)

    “I have made out an Index of texts for it” (Manasseh)

    “I have made out an Index of Scripture texts to this work because it does not have one” (Streat)

    Or, also, to upload Mr. McFall’s Glasgow theses (listed under “Research Work”)?

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